Breeze 10u - Tad & Chanel Daffin - COMING SPRING 2025 - Register for Tryouts now!
Breeze 12U - Renee Erwin
Breeze 12U - Kevin Warren
Breeze 14U - Tom Ludwig
Breeze 16U - Christy Daniel
Breeze 16U - Kevin Pirkey
Orders are placed in batches and processed together when the store closes. The store opens multiple times per season.
The California Breeze is proud to announce our partnership with AAA Garment & Lettering. Welcome aboard and Go Breeze!
Please click on the link below to register your daughter for Spring/Summer 2025 registration Breeze Team Tryouts or Open Workouts offered by a Breeze Coach.
Our Fall 2024 registration link is still active.
The California Breeze Softball Organization has partnered with FastpitchMedia
We have partnered with James Brown to train our athletes in the Breeze Organization.